external recruitment

External recruitment is the process of recruiting candidates from outside the company to fill job vacancies. Unlike internal recruitment where freshers candidates are given an opportunity in external recruitment, where all employees who are freshers are considered for new roles, external recruitment looks outside the company to attract qualified and skilled candidates comes This method includes various strategies such as posting on job boards, working with recruiting agencies, and attending job fairs or finding job seekers through any search engine or social media.

Internal vs External recruitment

Depending on the needs or function of any company it decides it has external or internal recruitment needs.

Internal recruitment refers to the promotion or reassignment of existing employees who are currently working in the company after their tenure is over. It is often faster and cheaper, while being flexible in time, and has the advantage that internal candidates already understand the company’s culture.

However, external recruitment refers to hiring a fresh candidate for a small or large post. It allows you to tap into a wider pool of talent and bring in new ideas and specialized skills. Because your existing employees who are already working in the company may not have these qualities or skills.

What are the benefits of external recruitment?

Outsourcing offers many benefits to any company, such as cost savings and company growth. Here are some key benefits:

  • Fresh perspectives
  • Specialized skills
  • Increased diversity
  • Strengthening company culture
  • Addressing high turnover
  • Scalability

Fresh perspectives

Fresh perspectivesHiring external candidates to your company means they can bring new ideas and skills to your team. For example, someone from a different industry who happens to be employed by your company can offer insights that challenge the status quo and improve your company’s work by creating flexibility. Can climb stairs.

Specialized skills

Your company sometimes lacks certain specialized skills that may not be available in your existing employees that you need to enhance and may have in an outside hire. Outsourcing can be a great way to fill skill gaps in your team by giving you the opportunity to hire people who have specific skills to work for your company.

Increased diversity

Outsourcing helps diversify your workforce and grow your company. It adds to your team by bringing together many experiences, talents and educated candidates and their perspectives which can enhance creativity and decision making within your team.

Strengthening company culture

New hires can also positively impact your company’s culture, creating a sense of belonging within the existing environment as new hires bring qualities and experiences that enrich the existing environment. This culture can help your company grow and adapt to change. And the effect of this environment is that teams work together.

Addressing high turnover

Some companies are working on large scale and projects so their roles have more turnover, so hiring new employees from the outside brings them with new enthusiasm and potentially more relevant skill sets. These positions can be consolidated so that the company does not face difficulty in handling large scale.


As any company grows, it creates a growing demand and when your company needs to grow rapidly, outsourcing to meet the growing demand can help your team in a cost-effective and cost-effective manner. It can be the fastest way to develop good skills. This is especially true for startups and businesses that are expanding rapidly.

What are external recruitment methods?

  • Online job boards
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Social media recruiting
  • Employee referrals
  •  Job fairs and networking events
  • Campus recruitment

How external recruitment works?

  1. 1. Identifying the need for new hires
  2. Preparing job descriptions and specifications
  3. Choosing the right recruitment channels
  4. Managing application and screening processes
  5. Conducting interviews and assessments
  6. Making the hiring decision
  7. Onboarding and integrating new employees

What tools are used for external recruitment?

  • Access to More Candidates
  • Offers Fresh Perspectives
  • Enhances Efficiency and Diversity
  • Access to talented candidates
  • Promotes Employee Referrals
  • Improves Competition
  • Reduces Employee Tension
  • Establishes Authority


External recruitment refers to the hiring of fresh candidates, any company does external recruitment when there is a need to hire a candidate who is not already working for the company and for this the company wants to fill an open position.

Internal recruitment refers to the promotion or reassignment of existing employees who are currently working in the company after their tenure is over. However, external recruitment refers to hiring a fresh candidate for a small or large post. It allows you to tap into a wider pool of talent and bring in new ideas and specialized skills.

  • Fresh perspectives
  • Specialized skills
  • Increased diversity
  • Strengthening company culture
  • Addressing high turnover
  • Scalability
  • Online job boards
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Social media recruiting
  • Employee referrals
  •  Job fairs and networking events
  • Campus recruitment
  • Social Media
  • Industry Organizations
  • Networking Events
  • Job Fairs
  • College Career Centres
  • Advertisements
  • Access to More Candidates
  • Offers Fresh Perspectives
  • Enhances Efficiency and Diversity
  • Access to talented candidates
  • Promotes Employee Referrals
  • Improves Competition
  • Reduces Employee Tension
  • Establishes Authority
  • Increased cost
  • Additional training
  • Adjustment Period for Current Employees
  • Adverse Impact on Employee Morale